Operations Manager
Mike joined the Browning Reserve Group (BRG) as Operations Manager in 2005. Prior to joining BRG full-time, he consulted as an independent contractor beginning with BRG’s 1999 inception. Previously, Mike was a Sprint-Nextel Software Engineer following a US Navy enlistment as an Electronics Technician.
Mike serves as President of the Association of Professional Reserve Analysts (APRA). He supports the Community Associations Institute (CAI) and volunteers in support of CAI’s activities. He has taught reserve study fundamentals to professional association managers.
Mike is a graduate of California State University, Sacramento with a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and has earned the Reserve Specialist (RS) #194 designation from CAI and the Professional Reserve Analyst (PRA) #2294 designation from APRA. Pursuant to Nevada regulation R145-06, Mike is a Nevada Reserve Study Specialist (RSS) #47.
In his spare time, Mike volunteers for the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Amateur Radio Program (SHARP), Sacramento Blood Source and Sacramento Ronald McDonald House. Mike is a Ronald McDonald House committee member and sits on the boards of the Sacramento Amateur Radio Club (SARC) and SHARP.

Professional Reserve Analyst