Standard Component Library

Every component in every BRG study is selected from a standard component library. This library contains thousands of components which are logically grouped by Major categories. This extensive library is maintained within a sophisticated database which also contains component data such as cost and life estimates.

Components are arranged in a structured two-tier hierarchy. This hierarchy consists of Major component categories and Sub components. Each Major component category contains dozens of related Sub components. Major categories are general component types such as paving, painting, roofing, and fencing. Sub components each relate to their Major category. The fencing Major category, for instance, contains Sub components such as chain link, wood, wrought iron, masonry, etc.

Since components are derived from the standard component library, all components are named and sorted uniformly in every study, so a study with eight components appears similar to the following:

01000 Paving – 100 Asphalt: Sealing
01000 Paving – 200 Asphalt: Ongoing Repairs
01000 Paving – 300 Asphalt: Overlay w/ Interlayer
05000 Roofing – 440 Pitched: Dimensional Composition
05000 Roofing – 700 Gutters / Downspouts
05000 Roofing – 701 Gutters / Downspouts
19000 Fencing – 190 Chain Link: Slats
19000 Fencing – 780 Gates

The Major category name, Sub component name, and Major category sort order number are all fixed values per the standard component library. These three attributes are unalterable. The Sub component sort order number has a default value which can be altered as needed. Click here to view a partial listing from our standard component library.

Sub component sort order numbers generally adhere to a rule governing even and odd sort order numbers. Most components recur forever and are assigned even sort order numbers. Some components don’t recur forever and are assigned odd sort order numbers. Moreover, components that don’t recur forever are nearly always related to a component which does recur forever, so the nonrecurring component is typically assigned an odd sort order number which is one greater than the recurring component’s even sort order number. Nonrecurring components eventually fall out of the study.

The following is an example of a recurring component and its related nonrecurring component:

05000 Roofing – 700 Gutters / Downspouts (recurring)
05000 Roofing – 701 Gutters / Downspouts (nonrecurring)

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